
The Originals Paradise Lost

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Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.
British poet and polemicist John Milton (December 9, 1608?November 8, 1674) is best known for his epic poem, Paradise Lost. Almost 11,000 lines long, Paradise Lost was published in 10 books in 1667 and then in 12 books in 1674. In the poem, Milton chronicles the downfall of Adam and Eve, the confrontation between the Son of God and Satan, and the redemption of mankind through the Son?s supreme act of sacrifice. The central argument of the epic, which deals with the lofty themes of war, love, and heroism is to ?justify the ways of God to man.? Milton employed a grand style to match the poem?s theme and tone. The metre, which he described as ?English heroic verse without rhyme?, resembles those used by Homer in Greek and Virgil in Latin.
While Classical epics valourised heroes for their passions and vainglorious battlefield exploits, Paradise Lost hails Christian heroism, which is exemplified by generosity, self-sacrifice, patience, and meekness.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.8 x 12.9 x 1.8 cm
    • Weight
      250 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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