
Thomas Titans : Men Among Boys

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“Top student. Top basketball player.
Yet taunted, jeered at, despised. Because he?s poor. Because he?s fatherless. When Ayush, an Indian-Chinese street kid, gets accepted
into Singapore?s most prestigious boys? school, he thinks he can start life afresh. No one will know of his shady past, not when his newfound friend is but a fat, bumbling and innocent boy by the name of Lasso. Lasso?s just like him, another basketball maniac. But Lasso has something Ayush doesn?t ? a father…and the beautiful Ariel, a ?mermaid? acting in a school play.
When Ayush?s dangerous past comes hurtling back to torment him, he unwittingly gets his friends involved with gangsters. let his jealousy get in the way of saving Lasso and Ariel? Thomas Titans Book I: Men Among Boys is a moving coming-ofagetale with an unusual cast of characters.”

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.8 x 12.9 x 1.2 cm
    • Weight
      150 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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