
Three Man in a Boat : Om Illustrated Classics

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George, J., Harris and Montmorency, the dog, are the best of friends.
Armed with interesting anecdotes, their quirky personalities and a
boat, the three men and the dog decide to go on a boat trip across
River Thames. But they discover that their fancy ideas of a boat trip,
which includes visits to many famous riverside towns of England in
the 19th-century, are very different from the reality!
Jerome K Jerome?۪s Three Men in a Boat is a comic tale of friendship,
misadventure and fun. It is a delightful story for all ages and seasons.
Hidden within the seemingly funny incidents and comments are
the writer?۪s opinions on the foibles in England?۪s history and society.
The book offers a refreshing look at the various places, people and
mannerisms in the country.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.7 x 13.8 x 2.2 cm
    • Weight
      300 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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