
The Story of My Life

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Every one who wishes to gain true knowledge must climb the Hill Difficulty alone, and since there is no royal road to the summit, I must zigzag it in my own way. I slip back many times, I fall, I stand still, I run against the edge of hidden obstacles, I lose my temper and find it again and keep it better, I trudge on, I gain a little, I feel encouraged, I get more eager and climb higher and begin to see the widening horizon. Every struggle is a victory. One more effort and I reach the luminous cloud, the blue depths of the sky, the uplands of my desire.??_

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      19.8 x 12.9 x 1.8 cm
    • Weight
      200 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Om Books International
    • Binding
    • Language

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